Nichola Lefroy
"Whether it's a feature length film, YouTube video, social media clips, advertisement, or even donor communications, Sue will help you understand the steps you need to take before you dive right into the filming. Well worth the time invested."
What if you knew you could find your ideal audience before you started making your film?
Define Your Ideal Audience is an easy to follow system for anyone with a project that needs to reach people. And this isn't just for films. It's for any work that needs to be seen by an audience.
You’ll learn how to research what your audience think and feel. Giving you the ability to create a project your audience wants to see. And that'll give you confidence that your project has a great chance of success before you begin.
Yes, I need this!Are you worried that you'll spend a lot of time and money creating a project only to have it fall on deaf ears? That you won't find an audience and you won't get results?
When you define your ideal audience before you start you’ll significantly increase your chances of successfully finding them.
When you define your ideal audience first, you’ll understand how to position your message, ready for your people to hear it.
It's natural to think that everybody will want to see your film. That you don't want to limit its potential reach by tailoring it for a specific audience. Most of us think this at some point.
But when you go after a broad general audience, you spread your message, your resources and your time, very thin. And this is going to limit your chance of success far more than defining a target audience from the beginning would.
Perhaps you’ve never thought about defining your ideal audience in a very targeted way?
Then this course is for you. You’ll learn techniques to help you identify what your audience think and feel, and once you know how to do that, you’ll have this skill for all your future projects too.
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Yes, I'm ready!By the end of the course you will have mastered:

A Proven System
That is easy to apply to any project that needs to reach an audience. It's the system we use on our own projects.

Simple Research Techniques
Techniques that are effective, easy to apply and can be done from anywhere you can access the internet.

Confidence In Your Project
Get your project underway with confidence you've started with the audience in mind.
This is what you'll get when you purchase the Define Your Ideal Audience Course:
Video tutorials across two modules teaching you:
> How to figure out who your story or project is for.
> You'll learn about the anatomy of an audience, also known as audience segments.
> You'll learn research techniques to help you figure out what people or more specifically your ideal audience care about?
> What are you trying to say and who are you saying it to?
> Case study.
> How to research who your ideal audience is.
> A companion workbook for each module.
> Access to support for your questions via email.
> BONUS VIDEO: of a workshop to define a new audience using the system you will learn so you can see the system in action.
> access to the Define Your Ideal Audience course for the lifetime of the course (minimum of 12 months access).
But wait there's more, you also get access to any new videos or content produced for the Define Your Ideal Audience course during the time you have access.
We'd also throw in a free set of steak knives but this is an online-only deal so it wouldn't make sense. And it also sounds a bit weird and dangerous... so there are no steak knives.
Frequently Asked Questions? (aka FAQs)
But I already know how to define my avatar- how is this different?
My project is for a broad general audience, why would I niche down?
Everybody would want to see my project, it’s important and I don’t want to limit my potential audience by thinking small.
What experience do you have in defining an ideal audience?
What sort of course is Define Your Ideal Audience?
How long will it take to learn the Define Your Ideal Audience System?
Will I learn how to grow my social media followers?
Define Your Ideal Audience can transform the way you think about connecting with your audience and how you message your projects.
Many creators take a generic approach to their audience and don't have a strategy for finding them. They plan to hand their project over to a distributor to do that work. Or they think their marketing department will somehow ‘find’ an audience online, perhaps with good SEO, by casting high profile talent or with magic. Magic works right? But the results are often lacklustre. And that makes it harder for them to get a green light for their next idea.
Many still go with the old school approach of using an ‘avatar’ to define their audience. This cookie-cutter approach no longer works with a communications project, particularly video. You’ll never find an audience with an undefined message that doesn’t take on board worldviews and values.
Because many filmmakers and videographers don’t self distribute they leave defining their audience off the to-do list. They make a project they are interested in and assume that everyone else will be too. Then they have to try and sell it to a distributor and hope that they can find an audience for them. The magic approach again!
Or, if they can get it in a festival and win some awards, it will get attention and then it will become a success, right? But they never really know who they are making their project for, to begin with. So how will they know who to market it to?
The 'build it and they will come' approach is all backwards. Knowing who you're talking to before you begin is the way to create a successful project.
You just need to know how to define your audience, and with this system, that part can become easy.
Great, give me the course already...